Sunday, 20 March 2011

The silmarillion

The silmarillion - The fall of Gondolin

The silmarillion is one of the epics among numerous written by JRR Tolkien under Middle Earth Legendrium. The fall of Gondolin is one of the chapters of "the Silmarillion" and personally for me the saddest. Here I've tried to put my despair on a pen over its destruction.

O' Gondolin
Why did you fall

You were the guardian of the fair
You were the beauty of heaven.
You were love of Turgon
You were foe of Melkor.
You were destiny of Tuor

You were lust of Maeglin
You were guardian of eldar.
You were death to dark.

You were deceived by a traitor.
You were raised to hell
You were the first
You were the final

After you
no one could escape darkness's tallion.
You children perished.
Valour was lost

O' Gondolin
Despair not
From your ashes
Star of west was born

O' Gondolin
There will never be
the green trees
the white halls
the clear sky

O' Gondolin
Why did you fall.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Deep Inside

Deep Inside

Digging deeper in silence
Stealing everything from the present
Thoughts so illusionary,
Memories in bits and pieces,
Leave you blindfolded

Running from reality
False promises, diseasing thoughts
Gazing in emptiness
Lost somewhere you are

Life seems to be a dream
Death the only end to it
It laughs back every time
And the joke is on you

Deep beneath
Caught in the smoke clouds
It’s like a drug
You want to live through
Searching for answers

Hiding from probing stares
Fighting back the shadows
You are lost
 Deep inside looking
For a place where u belong

Into the dark

Into the dark

Day ends Wounded, sun sinking down,
Staring into the night, fuzzy everything seems
Stars digging down the clouds,
Moonlight seeping through

Strange thoughts crossing through mind,
Wish I could reach through the past,
Or Look into the future to
Heal the Shattered conscience

Life seems to be a puzzle in pieces
Yesterday far from perfect,
Today an incomplete thought,
Tomorrow a staring demon

Dreams are ghosts snuggled in darkness
Leave you gasping for air when eyes open,
With open eyes decoy dreams
Steal everything slowly in silence
Before u realize what you lost chasing

In the dust of darkness, thoughts racing in head            
Crawling are the demons, opening the wounds,     
Walking into the dark, looking for the dawn
to burn them down, there is nothing but
silence screaming into the dark                

Back Then

Back Then

Going back to the start
rushing through the puzzles
I never thought it would be so hard
To find a way out

I fell in love all over
Every time I looked at you
Now caught in the darkness
I suffer the deafening silence

Somewhere you took everything
and I kept looking into ur eyes
only to watch u fade away
from the shadows of memory

It took time to pick me up
But none to tear me down
and the wounds are healing
In the illusion of time

Been through all this
from the beginning till the end
Gone for good are those days
Of living through the pain

But way down deep
I still want to
Keep looking at you
Like back then